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Alumni Revisit Rambler Days at Reunion Celebrations

Saturday, September 30, was an evening full of Rambler recollections and reflections as the Classes of 1983,1988, 1993, 1998, and 2003 celebrated milestone reunions at Loyola Academy.
Rev. Theodore Munz, SJ, who served as president of Loyola Academy from 1996–2009 and currently serves on Loyola's Board of Trustees, celebrated a beautiful reunion Mass in the Chapel to kick off the evening's festivities. The names of classmates who have passed away were displayed in a special tribute video, and the group paused to honor their legacy with a moment of quiet prayer at the beginning of Mass. 

Following Mass, alumni enjoyed lively conversation, great food, and cocktails at outdoor bars at the Pasquesi Piazza courtyard and Foley-O'Donnell Athletic Commons, located at the main entrance to the football field. During this time, Director of Alumni Relations Ashley Sanks '10 welcomed alumni to the celebration along with Loyola Academy Principal Tim Devine '88, who was celebrating his 35th reunion.

We wish to extend our sincere thanks and best wishes to the following classes celebrating milestone reunions this year:

40th Reunion: Class of 1983
35th Reunion: Class of 1988
30th Reunion: Class of 1993
25th Reunion: Class of 1998
20th Reunion: Class of 2003

Special thanks to our High Boy Sponsors Michael Roche '93, Matthew Haughey '93, and Griffin Daleidan '03 (Daleidan Law) for helping to make this evening unforgettable!

Loyola Academy

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