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Clubs and student activities are a pivotal part of our mission to educate the whole person. Besides, everyone needs to relax and have some fun when the school day is over! Loyola's comprehensive program of over 75 clubs and activities offers a wealth of opportunities designed to help you expand your horizons, discover hidden talents, make new friends, and share your interests with other students.

With all of these clubs and activities to choose from, we guarantee that you'll never run out of avenues to explore with your fellow Ramblers.

Information & News

Upcoming Events

List of 3 events.

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Clubs & Activities

Academic Competition Clubs

List of 10 items.

  • Certamen

    Dr. Lowe |

    connect with adult moderator as to time and location for each team's meetings

    The mission of Certamen is to promote excellence and camaraderie in the study of Latin through our internal practices and cross-school matches for Certamen.
  • Debate

    Ms. Byrne |

    Debate | Tuesday | 3:10 pm
    room 114
    Debate team seeks to create critical thinkers and clear public speakers through use of research, logic, note-taking, practice, argumentation, writing skills, and incorporation of constructive criticism.
  • DECA

    Mr. Ceplecha |
    Mr. Peterson |
    Tuesdays | 7:20 am
    room 114

    The purpose is to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management.
  • Eloquentia Perfecta (Public Speaking Club)

    Ms. Darrow |
    Tuesday | 7:20 am

    The purpose of this club is to help students grow in their public speaking skills. A student will gain confidence in a public space and be able to speak eloquently.
  • K-Club

    Ms. Dabu |
    Ms. Mortera |
    Wednesday 3:15 pm

    The purpose of this club is to provide a community for fans of popular Korean media such as K-Dramas and K-Pop.
  • Law Club

    Mr. Wahlbrink, SJ |
    Thursday | time TBD

    The Law club will be dedicated to teaching students about the legal system by doing mock trials and inviting guest speakers that work in the legal field. Our mission is to make every member of this club get an experience presenting cases and understanding practical courtroom procedures, we will develop critical thinking, public speaking, and debate skills. By being in this club students will; develop a foundational understanding of how the legal system works, gain confidence presenting and defending their arguments, and build an appreciation for justice and legal ethics.
  • Math Team

    Mr. Raminski |
    Mr. Nieman |
    Tuesdays | 3:10 pm
    room 257

    The Loyola Academy Mathematics Team is a community dedicated to mathematical mastery, the joy of mathematical discovery, and fellowship in learning. We compete in the NSML (North Suburban Mathematics League), for which there are 5 meets running September through March, and ICTM (Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics) which has a qualifier in February and the state championship meet in the spring. Come join us, all are welcome!
  • Model UN

    Mr. Dolan |
    Mrs. Soni |
    Mondays | 3:10 pm
    room 104

    Loyola Academy Model United Nations engages students in a process of collaboration and leadership development as they discuss problems in international affairs. This fosters the expansion of students' global perspectives and respect for other cultures. LAMUN embodies the values of Loyola Academy, teaching love and acceptance of diverse cultures through communication and understanding.
  • Scholastic Bowl

    Mrs. Kreb |
    Mr. Hartman |
    Mondays and Wednesdays | 3:10 pm
    rooms 117 and 119

    The Loyola Academy Scholastic Bowl team seeks to work together as a community to expand our knowledge base and to share experiences within Chicagoland and across the country. Scholastic Bowl is a challenging academic quiz competition. 
  • Science Olympiad

    Ms. | | Lead
    Mr. Brabeck | Mr. Morse | Mrs. Snyder
    Thursdays | 3:10 pm
    rooms 216 & 218

    Science Olympiad competes in tournaments that emphasize problem-solving, understanding of science concepts and teamwork. Cooperative learning strategies promote high levels of achievement and commitment to excellence. Science Olympiad is a team that competes in various competitions in the region. Students compete both individually and in teams for Loyola Academy. For more information about Science Olympiad click here.

Artistic | Visual & Performing Clubs

List of 10 items.

  • Architecture Club

    Mr. Shearon |
    Wednesdays | 3:10 pm
    room 276

    Since 2000, the Architecture Club is also Loyola Academy's chapter of the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS). Each week the club meets for fun design and service activities including student-led discussions on Contemporary Architectural Designs and organized field trips to construction sites and tours of notable architecture in Chicagoland.

  • Art Club

    Mrs. Aufderheide |
    Mondays | 3:10 pm
    room 245

    Art Club is devoted to giving students a space to explore their creative side. Each week students are given a variety of tools and supplies to bring their creative visions to life. Students are welcome to join at anytime throughout the year. No experience necessary. All are welcome.
  • Drumline

    Mr. McQuinn |
    Mr. Strauss |
    Wednesdays | 4:30 pm 
    room 50

    The goal is to have fun playing percussion music in an inviting, fun, and safe environment.
  • Jazz Band

    Mr. McQuinn |
    Tuesdays | 4:30 pm
    starts later in the year
    room 50

    LA Jazz Band plays standard and contemporary big band literature dating from the 1930s and 40s to the present day. We aim to play these pieces at a high level while developing an understanding and appreciations of the social and cultural context of Jazz music and the musicians that defined it.
  • Nothin' But Treble

    Mr. Borower |
    Tuesdays | 3:10 pm
    room 68
    Nothin' But Treble is Loyola Academy’s all female a cappella group. They perform, compete and record their compilations throughout the year. It is an auditioned ensemble.
  • Orchesis

    Ms. Duda |
    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday | room 130

    Orchesis Dance Company is an audition-based after school company composed of freshmen-senior dancers.  Dancers meet after school to work on technique, choreography, student choreography, and collaborating to prepare for their annual Orchesis Dance Concert in February. Orchesis also focuses on creating an inclusive space for dancers of all levels and styles of dance with emphasis on contemporary, jazz, hip hop and ballet.  Orchesis dancers will also participate in different service opportunities, and outside performances/outside dance workshops. Orchesis will rehearse Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays after school from September - February, with auditions being held in August.
  • Pep Band

    Mr. McQuinn |
    Mr. Strauss |
    Friday mornings | 7:00 am
    room 50

    They strive to boast school spirit at basketball games and other sporting events by playing music.
  • Ramblerettes

    Coach Dubay |
    Coach Caissie |
    Coach Parker |

    The Ramblerettes are dedicated to promoting school spirit by providing entertainment and spirit rising activities at Loyola Academy. We strive to be leaders in academics, dance, and community service and hope to inspire others by the examples we set. The Ramblerettes represent Loyola by competing in local, state, and National dance competitions. We value the life-long friendships created while on the dance team an are proud to be part of the pride and tradition that makes Loyola Academy unique and distinct from other outstanding high schools.

    The Ramblerettes are Loyola Academy’s competition dance team. Tryouts for the Ramblerettes are held each spring. For additional information, please visit the Ramblerettes web page.
  • Step Team

    Mrs. Gregg |
    Tuesdays & Thursdays | 3:10
    PAC Lobby or Cafeteria

    Step Team is a team dedicated to educating the Loyola community about the culture and tradition surrounding stepping. We aim to accomplish this by proudly performing at several different school events.
  • Thespians

    Mr. Arndt |
    Mrs. Roach |

    The Thespian Society is an honor society and the representative of Loyola’s chapter of the International Thespian Society. Each year, Thespians produce a fall play, spring musical, workshop performances, and other theatre performances. Thespians attend, and sometimes perform, at the annual Illinois Theater Festival. All members of the LA community are invited to audition, serve on a crew, and take part in workshops.

Cultural & Affinity Groups

List of 11 items.

  • African American Youth Group (AAYG)

    Ms. Bea |
    Ms. Noble |

    Wednesdays | 3:10
    rooms 245

    Our mission is to be one and united. Our goal is to uplift, respect, encourage, lead, walk, help, build, and set an example for one another.
  • Asian Youth Group (AYG)

    Mrs. Soni |
    Mrs. Dabu |
    Fridays | 3:10 pm
    room 109

    Our goal is to provide a safe, comfortable and inclusive environment that allows students to celebrate Asian culture and create friendships that last a lifetime.
  • Chinese Club

    Ms. Guo |
    Ms. Wu-Biddle |
    every other Thursday | 3:10
    room 143
    The Chinese Club aims at providing an environment where the students can experience the Chinese culture through different kinds of activities and holiday celebrations. The students who take Chinese will benefit from the activities and it will improve their learning of Chinese.
  • European Cultures Club

    Ms. McNally |
    every other Friday | 7:30
    room 142

    The purpose of this club is to learn more about one's own heritage and/or European culture and history. We will focus on spreading awareness, understanding, and appreciation to every European country's history, culture, and current state.
  • Hebrew Club

    Mr. Vradenburg |
    Tuesdays (every other week) | 7:20 am
    room 57
  • Hellenic Group

    Mrs. Tsakalios |
    Friday | 7:30 am
    room 134

    Our mission is to preserve and promote Greek heritage through philanthropic, social, cultural, and language events.
  • Irish Heritage Club

    Ms. Byrne |
    every other Wednesday | 7:30 am
    room 117

    The Irish Heritage Club seeks to integrate Irish culture into our school through activities like Irish dancing and music, engaging with Irish stories and movies, and learning the Irish language. The Irish Heritage Club represents the Irish community of Loyola Academy and welcomes students of all backgrounds who want to learn more about Irish culture.
  • Italian Club

    Profe Nathan-Gamauf |
    every other Friday | 7:30
    room 143

    The purpose of this club is to embrace Italian culture. Italy is a very regional country and this club will provide students with the opportunity to explore the different regions and what makes them so unique.
  • Loyola Alliance

    Mr. Brown |
    Tuesdays | 3:10 pm
    room 132

    The Loyola Alliance seeks to build a more inclusive and accepting school culture through education and fellowship between our LGBTQ+ students, their allies, and the student body.

    Mission Statement: A social-justice oriented club, advocating, and educating for LGBTQ+ youth everywhere.
  • Polish Club

    Fr. Stan Czarnecki SJ |
    Mrs. Denic |
    every other Thursday | 3:10 pm
    room 156

    The Polish Club’s mission is to bring together not only students of Polish heritage but ALL students regardless of race, sex, religion, ethnicity, or ability, interested in exploring Polish culture, customs, and history. This will be done by promoting Polish traditions by participating in educational, social, and religious activities and by cultivating relationships across all cultures through their connections with the Polish people.

  • UniDos

    Ms. Fernandez |
    Mr. Rosales |
    Thursdays | 3:10 pm
    room 11

    UniDos is a club that educates the Loyola Community about various Latin American Cultures. We encourage and welcome anyone to join and integrate their ethnic experiences through our events.

Honor Societies

List of 5 items.

  • French Honor Society & Croissants et Conversation

    Madame Kendrigan |
    Fridays | 7:10 am
    every other week
    room 119

    The aim of this organization is to stimulate interest in the study of French, to promote high standards of scholarship, to reward scholastic achievements, to create enthusiasm for and an understanding of cultures of the Francophone world, and to promote international friendships.
  • Latin & Greek Honor Society

    Mrs. Pagnotta |
    Wednesdays | 3:00 pm
    room 134
  • National Art Honor Society

    Mrs. Patterson |
    Thursdays (every other week) | 3:15 pm
    room 248
  • National Honor Society (NHS)

    Mrs. York |
    Wednesdays | monthly
    Old Theater

    The Loyola Academy chapter of National Honor Society is an academic and service club for seniors with a GPA of 93 or better.  Application to the National Honor Society is in the spring of a student's junior year.
  • Spanish Honors Society

    Profe Pineda |
    Profe Nathan-Gamauf |

    The mission of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica is to recognize high school achievement in Spanish and Portuguese and to promote interest in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian studies.

Language Clubs

List of 7 items.

  • Cafe y Conversacion

    Profe Melstrom |
    Profe Pashinian |
    every other Friday | 7:30
    room 139

    Café y Conversación provides a space for all Loyola Academy students interested in improving their listening and speaking skills in Spanish. Whether you are just starting out in Spanish 1 or are a heritage speaker, join us to learn more about the Spanish-speaking world and hone your linguistic skills.
  • Chinese Club

    Ms. Guo |
    Ms. Wu-Biddle |
    every other Thursday | 3:10
    room 143
    The Chinese Club aims at providing an environment where the students can experience the Chinese culture through different kinds of activities and holiday celebrations. The students who take Chinese will benefit from the activities and it will improve their learning of Chinese.
  • Classics Club

    Mrs. Pagnotta |
    Mr. Dolan |
    Thursdays | 7:15
    room 134

    The missions of Classics Club is to cultivate the minds and inspire the growth of students with a passion for classical culture, architecture, mythology, etc.
  • French Club

    Mr. Sapp |
    every other Tuesday | 3:10
    room 136

    French Club celebrates the culture of French speaking nations around the globe. The club often participates in events that bring a little piece of that French culture to American shores.
  • French Honor Society & Croissants et Conversation

    Madame Kendrigan |
    Fridays | 7:10 am
    every other week
    room 119

    The aim of this organization is to stimulate interest in the study of French, to promote high standards of scholarship, to reward scholastic achievements, to create enthusiasm for and an understanding of cultures of the Francophone world, and to promote international friendships.
  • Hebrew Club

    Mr. Vradenburg |
    Tuesdays (every other week) | 7:20 am
    room 57
  • Spanish Honors Society

    Profe Pineda |
    Profe Nathan-Gamauf |

    The mission of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica is to recognize high school achievement in Spanish and Portuguese and to promote interest in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian studies.

Service Clubs

List of 8 items.

  • D.I.C.E.

    Mrs. Bennett |
    every other Friday | 3:10 pm
    room 232

    D.I.C.E. is a group that educates and celebrates the diversity within the Loyola community. We strive to affirm and acknowledge each student for who and what they bring to Loyola.

  • Hope Squad

    Hope Squad is a school-based suicide prevention peer-to-peer program that empowers “squads” of students mentored by advisors to take action to improve the school environment. The program is based on research which suggest that teens are often the first to know about suicide risks in friends. Students are trained by school counselors to build connections and change culture by improving school climate and promoting connectedness.  The Hope Squad will build upon the natural strengths of our students, using age and grade appropriate curriculum-based training. 
    Students can only join Hope Squad through a peer nomination process that takes place first semester.  Being on a Hope Squad is completely voluntary, and those offered memberships through a nomination process can decline. Additionally, parents are required to sign a permission form and play an important role in deciding if their child is a good fit for the Hope Squad.   
    Hope Squad Moderators: Ms. Fahrenbach, Mrs. Shapiro, Ms. Strauss
    If a student would like to connect to a Hope Squad student please use this form:
  • Insignis

    Mr. Gombac |

    Insignis (meaning “distinguished”) is a junior and senior student service organization dedicated to assisting within the school.  Members work school events such as Back-to-School Night, Open House, Parent-Teacher Conferences, as resources for guests and host the annual Freshman Homecoming Luau as well.  Meetings become infrequent as information will be conveyed primarily through our Group Gmail. Applications are made available second semester.
  • Misericordia Club

    Mrs. Semple |
    R days | 7:30 am
    room 104

    Misericordia Club works to promote inclusion by working with organizations that support people with disabilities. By planning service events with Misericordia we impact and enrich the lives of people with disabilities but also our club members.  Members are given opportunities to get involved with planning and volunteering at events.  
  • SAVE

    Ms. Lofgreen |
    Wednesdays | 3:10 pm 
    room 209
    S.A.V.E. stands for Students Against Violating the Earth.  Over the course of 20+ years, SAVE has promoted water conservation, organic farming, eco-friendly cosmetics, awareness of CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder of bees), industrial hemp, recycling, zero waste, energy efficiency, composting, and many other topics related to the environment. Every spring SAVE hosts an Earth Day Fair in which faculty, staff and students are invited to learn about various environmental topics.

    Students who want a platform to make a difference in the school should join SAVE!
  • Student Ambassadors

    Mrs. Schurer |

    The Student Ambassadors are a student leadership program which is made up of sophomores, juniors, seniors and second semester freshman. These students are the first impression. The face and voice of Loyola Academy. The Student Ambassadors assist the school community with very specific responsibilities, primarily working together at the switchboard and escorting Rambler visitors throughout the building.  The Ambassador program is designed for you to improve your communication skills, build your leadership qualities and to prepare you for various job responsibilities in the future.
  • Torch Club

    Mr. Gutierrez |

    Torch Club is dedicated to service to the school. The members fulfill roles that promote school spirit and set an example of giving of one’s time. 
  • Women and Men For Others Club

    Ms. Lyons |
    Mondays (every other week) | 7:15 am
    room 9

    The purpose of the club is service towards charities and helping the communities around them. Each month focuses on a different charity.

Leadership Clubs

List of 5 items.

  • D.I.C.E.

    Mrs. Bennett |
    every other Friday | 3:10 pm
    room 232

    D.I.C.E. is a group that educates and celebrates the diversity within the Loyola community. We strive to affirm and acknowledge each student for who and what they bring to Loyola.

  • Hope Squad

    Hope Squad is a school-based suicide prevention peer-to-peer program that empowers “squads” of students mentored by advisors to take action to improve the school environment. The program is based on research which suggest that teens are often the first to know about suicide risks in friends. Students are trained by school counselors to build connections and change culture by improving school climate and promoting connectedness.  The Hope Squad will build upon the natural strengths of our students, using age and grade appropriate curriculum-based training. 
    Students can only join Hope Squad through a peer nomination process that takes place first semester.  Being on a Hope Squad is completely voluntary, and those offered memberships through a nomination process can decline. Additionally, parents are required to sign a permission form and play an important role in deciding if their child is a good fit for the Hope Squad.   
    Hope Squad Moderators: Ms. Fahrenbach, Mrs. Shapiro, Ms. Strauss
    If a student would like to connect to a Hope Squad student please use this form:
  • Insignis

    Mr. Gombac |

    Insignis (meaning “distinguished”) is a junior and senior student service organization dedicated to assisting within the school.  Members work school events such as Back-to-School Night, Open House, Parent-Teacher Conferences, as resources for guests and host the annual Freshman Homecoming Luau as well.  Meetings become infrequent as information will be conveyed primarily through our Group Gmail. Applications are made available second semester.
  • Student Council

    Ms. Krein |
    Mr. Sapp |
    Mr. Ceplecha |
    Thursdays | 7:15 am
  • Torch Club

    Mr. Gutierrez |

    Torch Club is dedicated to service to the school. The members fulfill roles that promote school spirit and set an example of giving of one’s time. 

Sport & Social Clubs

List of 19 items.

  • Adventure Games

    Ms. Pagnotta |
    Mr. Rice |
    Thursdays | 3:10 pm
    ADC in Library

    Our mission is provide students with an environment to explore their passions for pen and paper, card, and board games together while fostering a sense of community, social responsiveness, and belonging at our school. 
  • Chess Club

    Mr. Azpell |
    Fridays | 7:20 am
    room 204

    The goal is to bring together students who would like to share their interest in chess; to provide opportunities for organized competition at all levels of proficiency; to promote increased knowledge of the game and encourage students to enhance their abilities.
  • Cooking Club

    Mrs. Russell |
    Ms. Klein |
    Thursdays | 3:15 pm 
    contact moderators ahead of time
    Jesuit Residence Kitchen

    The Cooking Club strives to develop the skills of and appreciation for the culinary arts. We desire to mold leaders through developing interpersonal skills while serving each other and our community as Women and Men for Others.
  • E Gaming Club & eSports Team

    Mr. Lucki |
    Fridays | 3:10 pm
    room 128

    Mr. Lucki |
    Mr. Lowe |
    Wednesdays & Thursdays | 3:10 pm
    room 281

    To provide a place where students with interests in video games can come to socialize, play, and compete with each other in a relaxed and friendly environment.
  • Entrepreneurship Club

    Mr. Peterson |
    Wednesdays | 7:15 am
    room 221

    The purpose of the club is to engage in the creation of a business with the purpose of raising money through commerce to support those in need through micro lending.
  • Film Club

    Mr. Herrero |
    Wednesdays (every other week | 3:10 pm
    room 47

    Film Club is a place where students can express their love for cinema and filmmaking; students will learn about directors, actors, filmmakers, and everything in between.
  • Finance Club

    Mr. Wahlbrink |
    Tuesdays (every other week) | 7:15 am
    room 108

    Rooted in Jesuit teaching, the Finance Club seeks to empower young men and women to make educated and thoughtful financial decisions through critical thinking, collaborative activities, and presentations to better understand and prepare for real world situations.
  • Fishing Club

    Mr. Hooker |
    Mr. Zaker |
    Wednesdays | 3:10 pm
    email ahead of attending meetings
    room 38

    Fishing club and team strive to engage Loyola students in fishing and outdoor activities.
  • History Club

    Mr. Brandstrader |
    every other Friday | 7:15 am
    room 102

    The History Club continues the appreciation of World History and the furtherance of its study as an embodiment of the Grad at Grad goals of all Jesuit High Schools, especially its members as being intellectually competent and open to growth.
  • Imaginative Prayer Club

    Mrs. Kearney Alwin |
    Tuesdays | 7:15 am
    Campus Ministry

    The purpose of the club is to deepen students' relationship with their faith.
  • Loyola Academy Loves Animals

    Mrs. McGuire |
    Thursdays (monthly + outside of school activities) | 7:30
    room 3
  • Meditation Club

    Mrs. Riggs |
    Fridays (every other week) | 7:30 am
    room 69

    The Meditation Club strives to create a welcoming environment where students can come together to relax their minds and escape the constant movement and stress of daily life; to encourage open-mindedness, curiosity, gratitude, intentionality, compassion and kindness towards others; to improve one's quality of mind and overall well-being; to facilitate a variety of meditation practices and educate students on the importance and benefits of meditation in our daily lives.

  • Paddle Club

    Mrs. Wawrzyn |

    Play starts in November
    Wednesdays - sign up required

    The goal is to form young paddle players who can enjoy the game and compete at a high level for years to come.
  • Philosophy Club

    Dr. Myslinski |
    Mondays | 3:10 pm 
    room 37

    The mission of the Philosophy Club is to bring together students at Loyola Academy who have an interest in the multi-faceted field of philosophy. This club will create an environment in which the students will engage in constructive meaningful dialogue of philosophical texts and topics in order to disclose the questions and values that serve to shape and direct one's life.
  • Ping Pong Club

    Mr. Gregg |
    Fr. Stan |
    Tuesdays | 3:10 pm  | cafeteria
    team season starts in the winter
    The goal is to promote ping pong as both a sport and recreational activity to increase friendships and connections among students.
  • Politics Club

    Mrs. Russell |
    Tuesdays | 7:15 am
    room 108

    The goal is to provide a forum for the discussion of politics, to encourage involvement in the political process as best as possible, to respectfully stand up for principles when faced with adversity, and foster the growth of future leaders.
  • Student Athlete Success Club

    Ms. Lofgren |
    Tuesdays (every other week) | 7:20
    room 112
  • Student Investigator Club

    Mrs. Provis |
    Wednesdays | 7:20 am

    The goal of the club is for students to learn about all things mystery, it will teach students to dig into curiosity. This curiosity can lead into enrolling in forensics class at Loyola or even creating a career out of investigative interest.
  • Walking for Wellness

    Mr. Joseph |
    Thursdays | 7:20 am

    The purpose of our club is to help everyone stay active and keep healthy even if you don’t play sports. By joining this club, students can make friends, destress before school, and learn about healthy habits.


List of 5 items.

  • Architecture Club

    Mr. Shearon |
    Wednesdays | 3:10 pm
    room 276

    Since 2000, the Architecture Club is also Loyola Academy's chapter of the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS). Each week the club meets for fun design and service activities including student-led discussions on Contemporary Architectural Designs and organized field trips to construction sites and tours of notable architecture in Chicagoland.

  • Math Team

    Mr. Raminski |
    Mr. Nieman |
    Tuesdays | 3:10 pm
    room 257

    The Loyola Academy Mathematics Team is a community dedicated to mathematical mastery, the joy of mathematical discovery, and fellowship in learning. We compete in the NSML (North Suburban Mathematics League), for which there are 5 meets running September through March, and ICTM (Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics) which has a qualifier in February and the state championship meet in the spring. Come join us, all are welcome!
  • Medical Club

    Mrs. Braasch | cbraasch@loy.og
    Wednesday | 7:10 am
    every other week
    room 232

    The club helps guide students at Loyola who know they want to focus on a career in the medical field, but they do not know what yet, explore careers in the medical field through hands on experience, speakers, discussions, and presentations.
  • Science Olympiad

    Ms. | | Lead
    Mr. Brabeck | Mr. Morse | Mrs. Snyder
    Thursdays | 3:10 pm
    rooms 216 & 218

    Science Olympiad competes in tournaments that emphasize problem-solving, understanding of science concepts and teamwork. Cooperative learning strategies promote high levels of achievement and commitment to excellence. Science Olympiad is a team that competes in various competitions in the region. Students compete both individually and in teams for Loyola Academy. For more information about Science Olympiad click here.
  • Women in STEAM

    Ms. Lucas |
    Mrs. Stoner |
    Tuesdays | 3:10 pm
    room 128

    The mission of the Women in STEAM club is to explore, participate and educate the community about Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematic careers. The country has predicted that without growth in these crucial areas we will not meet our country's future job demands. Join our fun, creative, hands-on group to learn how women are changing the face of STEAM careers to correct future worker shortages.

Media & Publications Clubs

List of 4 items.

  • The Cannonball (trial club)

    Meets occasionally, but most work is independent
    Contact Ms. Krein to get involved 

    The purpose of this club is to be the foundation of the opinion journal The Loyola CannonBall. There will be four issues published a school year (fall, winter, new year & spring). There are about 3-4 student life opinions in each issue, with two opposing sides to the arguments. One being the pro and the other being the con. The goal of this is to spark students' interest and to get them thinking about common issues that they may agree or disagree with. 
  • The Prep

    Ms. Klein |
    Wednesdays | 3:10
    room 77 

    The Prep is dedicated to fostering journalism in the LA community. We strive to research and produce timely articles on events that are relevant to the school. The paper is online now and can be found at
  • Rambler Stream

    Ms. Krein |
    contact if interested, no meetings

    This student run organization broadcasts from Loyola football, basketball, and volleyball games. If student interest is there, they will broadcast other sports.
  • Yearbook

    Mrs. Gombac | 
    Ms. Jacob |
    Monday-Thursday | 3:10 pm
    room 77

    The Year, the student yearbook at Loyola Academy, attempts to cover the people and events of the school community as fairly, impartially, and accurately as possible. It provides a history in pictures and copy of the school year. Through the emphasis on the skills of writing, design, photography, and business it offers an educational opportunity for staff members who must learn to accept responsibility and assume leadership roles. 
    Students can join at any time and can be a part of the club at any point through the year they'd like. If they play a sport, they can be part of yearbook for just one season if that's all they have free.


List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Melissa Krein

    Ms. Melissa Krein 

    Director of Student Activities
    (847) 920-2604

Loyola Academy

1100 Laramie Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois 60091-1089  |  847-256-1100
Loyola Academy admits students of any race, color and national origin or ethnic origin.
© Copyright 2020 Loyola Academy