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Celebrating the Class of 2023

The Principal's Office and Student Activities hosted a number of special events and senior-only activities for the Class of 2023. Seniors savored these last opportunities to be together as they transition from Loyola Academy students into alumni.
Senior Prom | Saturday, April 22
Loyola Academy seniors attended prom at the Marriott in Lincolnshire. This year's theme was "Masquerade." Students enjoyed dinner before dancing the night away with their classmates. 

Senior Decision Day | Monday, May 1
Seniors had the opportunity to show off their college decisions by sporting a t-shirt or sweatshirt with the logo/name of their college or university. Throughout the day, the hallways were filled with joyful conversations between excited students. Ramblers also decorated "t-shirt cookies" with their new school colors in the Piazza. There, seniors finished putting pins on the map in the Piazza to illustrate where they are heading across the country—and around the globe—next year.

Senior Sunset | Sunday, May 7
Soon-to-be graduates gathered on a beautiful spring evening at Loyola’s Munz Campus in Glenview to watch the sunset together and release lanterns into the sky. As they waited for the sun to set, seniors enjoyed food from Cheesie's food truck. They once again wore their college shirts and sweatshirts. Many seniors cherished this simple, but meaningful event that enabled them to spend time with classmates and friends outside of school.

Senior Shirt Signing | Thursday, May 11
In what has become a new tradition, seniors spent the day having their classmates and teachers sign their uniform polos. Seniors were invited to showcase their creativity as they participated in "Anything But a Backpack" Day. Seniors were seen carrying their school supplies in buckets, shopping carts, wagons, childhood cars, and other unique items.

Senior Tailgate Breakfast | Friday, May 12
Seniors arrived early to school on their last day of classes. They gathered in the South Lot to enjoy donuts, orange juice, bags, spikeball, and music, but most importantly time with one another.

Senior Olympics | Friday, May 12
Formation classes were matched against each other in active, team-based games such as tug-of-war, fill-the-bucket, and more. The Olympics were followed by a lunch of hamburgers, cheeseburgers, veggie burgers, corn on the cob, watermelon, and caf cookies. An exciting raffle provided every student with a chance to win one of many college-ready prizes including gift cards, a microwave, a laptop, a mini-fridge, Keurig, water bottles, and more.

Baccalaureate Mass | Sunday, May 14
Senior Ramblers and their parents or guardians gathered in Loyola Academy's East Gym to celebrate the Baccalaureate Mass, held each spring to honor the graduating class. The 2023 Michael Rebarchak '79 Memorial Award recipient, Noah Tekhle, said in his address: "We have a lot of gifts and we should choose to share them. Class of 2023, I hope that you have found your gifts and that you want those gifts to be shared with others to make the world a better place. As we move onto the next step, let’s all step out of our comfort zones and say yes to an invitation and let’s invite someone to come along with us." Click here to read the full story

Graduation | Saturday, May 20
On Saturday, May 20, Loyola Academy celebrated its 113th Commencement Exercises at Northwestern University's Welsh-Ryan Arena. With family and friends present, this year's graduates of the Class of 2023 gathered one last time as classmates and departed as Loyola Academy alumni. Click here to read the full graduation story, view photos, watch a recording of the ceremony, and more.
    • Celebrating the Class of 2023

      Celebrating the Class of 2023

Loyola Academy

1100 Laramie Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois 60091-1089  |  847-256-1100
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