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Loyola Academy is able to support students who need limited accommodations to be successful in a college preparatory high school. Students with diagnosed learning differences have been successful in all academic tracks offered at Loyola. Loyola’s accommodations are limited to: 50% extended time on tests and semester exams, no scantron, and preferential seating.  A complete psychoeducational or neuropsychological evaluation, within the last three years, must be submitted to Loyola for consideration of accommodations. All documentation must be submitted electronically to

If you have any questions, please contact

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Christopher Penna

    Mr. Christopher Penna 

    Associate Principal for Student Success
    (847) 920-2442

If currently using testing accommodations at Loyola, students may be eligible to use accommodations on the College Entrance Exams taken during Junior and Senior years.  The ACT and SAT are managed independently by separate companies, and both require a different application process.  Please note:  approval to use accommodations at Loyola does not guarantee approval to use the same accommodations on either the ACT or SAT.  Please pay careful attention to procedural information and deadlines as provided below.

Students with Diagnosed Learning Differences

List of 6 items.

  • General Information

    • Loyola Academy is able to support students who need limited accommodations to be successful in a college preparatory high school. 
    • Students with diagnosed learning differences have been successful in all placement tracks offered at Loyola.
  • Learning Accommodations that can be supported at Loyola

    • Extended time for tests and semester exams (not to exceed 50% extended time) 
    • Preferential seating 
    • No scantron for tests
  • Learning Accommodations that cannot be supported at Loyola

    • Curriculum modification 
    • Remediation 
    • Modified assessments 
    • One on one instruction 
    • Small group testing 
    • ESL instruction
  • Process for Requesting Accommodations

    All requests for learning accommodations will be considered after Loyola has reviewed/received the following:  
    • A student’s current (within three years) and complete psycho-educational testing 
    • A confidential release signed by the parent allowing Loyola to contact the examiner if needed 
    • Anecdotal information from a student’s current teachers regarding the student’s academic performance. For students seeking admission to Loyola, a review of the accommodations currently being used at the junior high level will be required. 
  • Testing Accommodations for HSPT

    Loyola Academy offers limited testing accommodations on the entrance exam. Students seeking testing accommodations must submit psycho-educational testing and IEP/ICEP and complete the Request for Accommodations form by Friday, November 22, 2024, to
  • Additional Information

    • Please note: The presence of a learning disability does not automatically mean that a student will receive academic accommodations. Loyola will carefully review all relevant information to determine if there is a significant discrepancy between measured cognitive ability and academic achievement. This is consistent with the process College Board and ACT use to decide whether students are eligible for accommodations on their exams. 
    • If a determination is made to support learning accommodations, Loyola will formalize an Academic Achievement Plan for the student that will specify his/her accommodations. This plan will be shared with a student’s parents, classroom teachers, and counselor and can be used when requesting standardized testing accommodations during high school. The Academic Achievement Plan will be reviewed on a yearly basis.

School Based Evaluations

List of 4 items.

  • General Information

    Loyola Academy will be providing school based evaluations this year to assess students for learning based disabilities (i.e. Specific Learning Disabilities). At this time, Loyola Academy cannot support school based evaluations for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Anxiety, or other mental health related struggles.
    Students who already have Loyola Academy Academic Achievement Plans for learning based disabilities can elect to have their student’s re-evaluation (once every 3 years).
    Parents of students who have never been evaluated or received official school accommodations can request an evaluation if they suspect their student to have significant struggles in reading, writing, or math that has existed over a significant period of time and to a marked degree by completing this official request form for consideration of an evaluation. All requests will be reviewed and be accepted/denied by Loyola Academy. 
  • Criteria used to determine if an evaluation is deemed necessary

    • Poor grades (i.e. Cs. Ds)
    • Significant teacher concerns
    • Poor test grades despite turning in homework
    • Spending a lot of time on homework
  • Criteria used to determine if an evaluation is not considered appropriate at Loyola Academy

    • Straights A’s/B’s
    • No academic concerns
    • Emotional concerns only
    • Attentional concerns only
    • Significant absences
    Parents may consider seeking an outside evaluation or through New Trier High School.
  • What happens next

    Following the evaluation, if the student is found to have significant difficulties, an Academic Accommodation Plan will be created for the student. Having a student evaluated does not guarantee that a student will meet requirements for an Academic Achievement Plan.
    Lastly, receiving Extended Time for school based assessment does not directly translate to receiving extended time on Standardized Assessments. ACT and College Board make their own determinations regarding testing accommodations.

Standardized Testing Accommodations

List of 4 items.

  • ACT and PSAT/SAT Accommodations

    For accommodations on the ACT, PSAT, or SAT (whether it's on a weekend or during school hours), please follow these steps:
  • ACT

    Acquiring accommodations for the ACT involves three steps:
    1. Create an ACT Account: The student must first create an ACT account using their Loyola student email address.
    2. Register for a National Test Date: During the registration process, the student will be asked about accommodations. They should select "Yes" under the "National Extended Time" category.
    3. Submit a Parent Consent Form: The student must submit a signed Parent Consent Form to Associate Principal for Student Success Chris Penna at at least one week before the ACT registration deadline.
    Once Loyola receives the consent form, the school will submit any supporting documentation on file to the ACT. Loyola will notify you once ACT makes a decision.
  • SAT

    Acquiring accommodations on the SAT or PSAT involves a two step process:
    1. Submit a Parent Consent Form: As soon as the student knows they need accommodations for a College Board exam, they must submit a signed Parent Consent Form to Associate Principal for Student Success Chris Penna at
    2. Request Accommodations: The SSD (Services for Students with Disabilities) Coordinator will input the student's information, including details about their disability and any formal accommodations (e.g., IEP, 504 plan) into the system.
    Note: It is important to begin this process as soon as the student is aware they will need accommodations.

    The student receives notice via postal mail. Loyola will also be able to view approved accommodations on College Board SSD online portal. If you need a copy of your decision letter, you can contact College Board SSD at 212.713.8333.
  • Additional Information

    • Both ACT and College Board make independent decisions regarding accommodation requests, separate from Loyola's process.
    • Be sure to check the ACT and College Board websites for specific deadlines to request extended time or other accommodations.

Loyola Academy

1100 Laramie Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois 60091-1089  |  847-256-1100
Loyola Academy admits students of any race, color and national origin or ethnic origin.
© Copyright 2020 Loyola Academy