Inaugural Las Posadas Prayer Celebration

Please join us as we begin this new tradition celebrating Christ's birth with our local Jesuit brothers and sisters! Loyola's UniDos Latinx Club is partnering with Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in hosting our inaugural (virtual) Las Posadas traditional prayer celebration. The celebration will be hosted via Zoom. In order to allow full capacity, if you are joining as a family please only join from one device.

The word posada means "inn or lodging," and traditionally posadas are a celebration of the Christmas story, commemorating the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph’s search for a place to stay where Jesus could be born. Posadas in Mexico feature hot food and drinks, sweets, music and piñatas.

Questions? Please reach out to Sarah Bennett, director of diversity, equity and inclusion, at or Mike Gregg, campus minister, at

Loyola Academy

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