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Only senior students will be allowed to park on campus with a school issued parking permit. All students must abide by the following parking rules and regulations.
No student vehicle will be allowed in the parking lot without a current Loyola Academy parking permit. Students must display their parking permit on the rearview mirror at all times, every day. Fines will be assessed for any car without a properly displayed permit. Loyola Academy will fine students $50 for failure to display permit tags.
Students attempting to park in the Loyola Academy lot without a current permit are subject to a $75 fine for the first two offenses. In addition to a $75 fine, a third offense will result in a vehicle boot and, if applicable, forfeit the opportunity to apply for future parking lotteries. Subsequent violations may result in towing at the owner's expense.
Parking is prohibited in all fire lanes. Violators will be subject to forfeiture of their parking permit and their cars may be ticketed by the Wilmette Police Department and towed at owner's expense.
Student vehicles are to be properly parked in the designated student sections of the parking lot. A car is considered misparked if it is not in a parking stall. Available faculty, staff, and visitor parking stalls are NOT to be occupied by student vehicles. There will be a fine of $15 assessed to drivers of improperly parked cars. The fine for a second offense of this nature is $25.
If a car is in any way blocking traffic or blocking entrance or egress lanes, the car may be ticketed by the Wilmette Police and towed at the owner's expense.
Students are not to be in the parking lot or sitting in cars during the school day. Jug is assigned for violation.
Students who park their cars on Loyola Academy property or any off-campus permit parking will be responsible for the contents of the vehicle.
Students who are legally parked in the Loyola Academy campus parking lot or off campus permit parking lot will forfeit their parking permit, without a refund, if illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcohol, or weapons are found in the vehicle.
Students who park their cars on Loyola Academy property, at any off-campus permit parking area, or in the school zone, must submit to a vehicle search when directed by the Dean of Students. Failure to comply will result in the loss of your parking permit and, if necessary, police intervention.
Students involved in a vehicle accident in the Loyola Academy parking lots, any off-campus permit parking area, or within the school zone will follow the proper protocol:
If possible, exchange information with the other parties involved.
Take pictures of the damage to the car(s).
Notify parent(s)/guardian(s).
Report the incident to the Dean's Office.
Loyola Academy assumes no liability for damage or theft of vehicles or their contents while parked on school property.
Students will be responsible for all parking, driving, and parking permit regulations.
Students with parking permits will park in two areas. As shown on the parking plan, these include:
The new lot south of the tennis courts (Lot D)
The aisle along the north side of the tennis courts and the western two aisles in the lot north of the tennis courts, closest to Laramie Avenue (Lot C)
Students may access the student parking lots via the three southernmost driveways on Laramie Avenue that align across Forest Avenue, Walnut Avenue and Elmwood Avenue.
After school, students will exit to Laramie Avenue in one of two locations:
Parking South of the tennis courts (Lot D): Students will exit from the driveway at the north end of the lot, just south of the tennis courts. Please follow directions from the school's traffic control aide posted at the driveway. The southern driveway is entrance-only to accommodate student pick-up activity and is not available to exit.
Parking North of the tennis courts (Lot C): Students will exit to Laramie Avenue using the driveway at the north end of the lot. Please merge with traffic exiting the student pick-up lanes and follow directions from the traffic control aide posted at the intersection. The driveway at the south end of the parking lot will be closed during the school dismissal period.
Maximum speed in the parking lot is 10 miles per hour.
Extreme caution and care is to be used entering, parking, and leaving the parking lot. Careless, dangerous driving is not allowed. Violators will be fined, lose parking privileges and may be suspended.
Students guilty of reckless driving in the School Zone areas are subject to fines and loss of parking privileges.
Students who drive to and from school and their passengers are required to wear seat belts when leaving and entering the Loyola parking lot. Students may not unnecessarily blow the car horn. Failure to comply will result in fines.